
Martha McCollough On Mother’s Blue Hat High out of reach / netted lacquer cherries tremble and shine /  inviting the bees, her perfect children / not us so waspish and barking / busy with accident — thinking the pearls…

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Sarah Sousa Hex Mother conceives the sun in the dark hours before morning, grows large, and births the sun at dawn. The promise of the sun, at least, she keeps. The sun is steadfast, we say, crediting it not Mother,…

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KT Herr Sealskin, to her selkie Into a middle drawer you tucked me weary & drack–– I feared tearing grew rank, patient & cracked along the fold like spent leather nestled among the t-shirts. How you itch strangely-clad in…

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Jennifer Franklin Eurydice in Hades I thought it would be dark, tucked into the earth like so many fighting seeds. But there is light enough to see my body, its fissures— collectors of secrets. There is light enough to…

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