Michelle Reale THIS YEAR MY SORROW DROWNS ITSELF This year my sorrow drowns itself. I can’t be responsible anymore. Here is where I’m at: you’ve nailed my hair to the floorboards, and I lay quiet, all shallow breathing like…
Browsing: Poetry
Jill McDonough CAREFUL Josey kisses me Christmas morning in the kitchen and it’s so good we end up having sex on the floor. But we are old ladies now, laugh together while we stagger slowly to the ground, first one…
Kirun Kapur SPRING Then, through the window, I could just make out a cormorant immobile on a buoy, head high, wings fully open, a totem, black mark against morning. I was about to turn away when it shifted, twisting, slipping…
Tina Kelley I AM THE SEXY MUSEUM No more slow walking the sandstone edifice with marble floors that exhaust the feet. Within me, scurry from hall to hall. Who needs portraits of people bored past recognition? Have you ever…
Raising Jamie a mother & son poem for two voices “I can remember on this last trip out of New Bedford we ran into a hurricane off of Hatteras. I was in the rolling bed with my mother and the…
CHERYL BOYCE-TAYLOR STILL THE SWEETEST WORDS I EVER HEARD: Mom, I found my girl, she reminds me of you. Her name is Deisha. Mom I’m getting married walk me down the aisle. Mom I’m coming home for your birthday…
EILEEN CLEARY THE WAY WE FLED No branch silhouettes the snow. Tree limbs cut down by some bastard or buzz saw, chipped remains scattered afield around the stump as if they’d tried to escape the carnage, the way we…
ZEINA HASHEM BECK TRIPTYCH: VOICE Zeina Hashem Beck is a Lebanese poet. Her most recent collection, Louder than Hearts, won the 2016 May Sarton NH Poetry Prize. Her work has appeared in Poetry, Ploughshares, World Literature Today,…
REBECCA HART OLANDER FAWN From the age of fourteen, some weekends, I took the train from Gloucester, MA, where I lived with my mom, to North Station in Boston, on my way to my father’s house in Dorchester.…
LESLÉA NEWMAN #MeToo piano teacher sitting beside me on the bench sliding his hand beneath my behind; dentist reclining my chair all the way back and resting his tools on my chest; friend of my father’s pulling me onto…