You thought you heard a whale, a wail, a wailing. Assumed a woman’s voice, a stance to view the mess. —Alise Alouisi, “I Am Not Your Mother” The poems in the MOTHERS RESPOND folio refuse to look away from landscapes…
Browsing: MER Literary Folio
Judgment “Are you a good witch or a bad witch?” — “Rating” Mothers “Are you a good witch or a bad witch,” Dorothy asks Glinda, who has no problem naming herself as good. When we apply the…
As I braid one of my daughter’s hair and the other waits her turn, I tell them what I am doing. I show them how to separate the hair in sections, how each braid is comprised of three parts, and…
Eco-poetry: Nature Through the Lens of Motherhood We live in fraught ecological times, as unchecked-climate change threatens our planet. And though we—humankind—may be the invasive species, “we are,” as the poet Ashia Ajani writes, “nature, entangled in her movements.”…
Summer / Girl – A Literary Folio Featuring poetry, fiction, and prose by Richelle Buccilli – Dear Backyard Honeysuckle Vanessa Napolitano – Yellow Cabinet Emily Patterson – Near the Fourth of July in a Pandemic Kelly Sue White –…
Welcome to the March 2022 MER Online Folio: Release In her poem, “Summer Arthritis Lessons,” Chrissy Martin writes, “We speak in this language of trinkets and remedies / that say I know what causes you pain.” The poems in the…
Mother Figures: Mothers and Children A folio of poetry and prose. The experience of having and nurturing children can inform a mother’s view of herself. Every mother is also a child. These poems and writing explore this primal relationship. Featured:…
Welcome to the December 2021 Mom Egg Review VOX: Ukrainian Voices While reviewing submissions for the upcoming MER 20 print issue we became intrigued by the poems by Jane Muschenetz, a Jewish refugee from Ukraine to the United States, that…
Mother in Objects – A Folio of Prose and Poetry Our latest Mother Figures folio depicts how objects evoke the mother: our writers explore, in prose and poetry, concrete representations of the essence of a remembered parent. Karren Alenier –…
Role Models? In this folio, our third in our series on “Mother Figures,” poets and prose writers grapple with different aspects of the role of “Mother.” They recall the parenting they received and investigate its nexus with the…