MER VOX Quarterly – Fall 2020
Welcome to MER VOX, Fall Edition! Range of Motherhood is a literary folio curated by J.L. Scott amplifying diverse mother’s voices. We have a Labor Day poem by Margo Berdeshevsky, Rage Hezekiah’s inspiring essay and poems influenced by the writings of Sandra Cisneros, part of our new Legacy series curated by Ana C.H. Silva. M.A.M.A., our ongoing collaboration with Museum of Motherhood and ProCreate Project, features poems by Margie Shaheed and art by Maria Linares investigating injustice and prejudice.
We hope you enjoy the issue. We wish you health, safety, and peace, and urge you to make your own voice heard by voting in the upcoming election.
Literary Folio
Range of Motherhood
Curated by J.L. Scott
Featuring Jennifer Freed, Janet Garber,
Nicole Medina-Hospital, Onita Morgan-Edwards,
Eloísa Pérez-Lozano, Sophie Rhem, Meghan Trask Smith, Pooja Ugrani, Naomi J. Williams
Labor Day Poem
God Bless the Child That’s Got His Own by Margo Berdeshevsky

Legacy – Rage Hezekiah on Sandra Cisneros, Mary Oliver, and more
“I think one of the reasons I identified so strongly with Cisneros’ work was her willingness to boldly tell women’s stories.”
M.A.M.A. (Mothers Are Making Art) Issue 43
Margie Shaheed, Poetry, and Maria Linares, Art
Examining Prejudice