Browsing: Back Issues

Mom Egg Review vol. 18 – HOME Purchase the print issue of MER 18. Purchase the PDF issue (just $5) We proudly announce our 18th annual issue of Mom Egg Review, themed HOME. Back in 2019, in a different…

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Coming Soon: Mom Egg Review vol. 18 – 2020 “HOME” Welcome to Mom Egg Review’s eighteenth annual issue. We are proud to publish fine literary work centering on diverse experiences of mothers, mothering, and motherhood. The new issue of…

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Welcome to Mom Egg Review’s seventeenth annual issue. We are proud to publish fine literary work centering on diverse experiences of mothers, mothering, and motherhood. This has been a complicated year in a series of complicated years. Countries and factions…

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Mom Egg Review Vol. 15 Our fifteenth annual issue includes work about pregnancy, birth, parenting, nurturing elders. MER is about mothers’ work, as mothers and in the world, as artists, and as citizens of our planet. Explore the many voices of…

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Mom Egg Review Vol. 14 “Change” – Welcome to Mom Egg Review Vol. 14! This issue explores “Change.” Change can be a lightning bolt, a bud’s unfurling, or the inexorable melt of ice caps. A body swells with pregnancy, bends…

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