Browsing: Gallery – Art

Helena Alipaz is a full time mother, full time day dreamer of missed artistic explorations/ realised, under-valued domestic beauties. A multi-instrumentalist, instrument maker, drawer, and advisor and manager of live acts. The piece produced, reflects the stream of consciousness inner dialogue…

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Luana Venuti is an Italian born Artist based in London, England. Although she is self-taught, she is specialised in Manga Art and Portraiture. Her credits include the exhibition “A feminist space is…” at the Feminist Library (in London), her participation…

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GUARDIAN: The female is the warrior, her armour protects her words, her children. She is steely, cold, an austere goddess. Mira Ho is a Nottinghamshire-born artist who studied at Derby University and is currently doing a Masters in Contemporary Arts…

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GUARDIAN: The keeper that accepts all of one’s flaws, all of one’s magic and conjures the push to go beyond survive and instead thrive. Sophia Philip works in education, production and the arts. Trained as a visual artist, Ms. Philip uses…

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A GUARDIAN is the protector and keeper of all things valuable and cherished. Liz Leggett’s paintings and drawings range from abstract and representational to the space in-between, where imagery is suggested but left open for interpretation. Currently, she is working…

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