Book Reviews

Mom Egg Review publishes reviews of recent books (including chapbooks) of poetry, fiction and creative prose, by mother writers, and of books focused on motherhood or women’s experiences and issues.  If you are interested in having your book reviewed, please visit Book Review Request for more info. 

If you are interested in reviewing books for us, please check out our Guidelines, and then email us at [email protected].

Review by Teresa Tumminello Brader Hollay Ghadery is the author of a memoir, Fuse, recipient of a Canadian Bookclub Award for Nonfiction/Memoir; a collection of poetry, Rebellion Box; and, most recently, a short-fiction collection, Widow Fantasies (Gordon Hill Press,…

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Review by Jordan E. Franklin   For those of you new to Sarah Sarai, she is a NYC-based poet and editor with a prolific publication record spanning several collections. While most poets experience a lag in their work and output,…

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Review by Laura Dennis The expression “mom in space,” might bring to mind a woman suffering from “mom brain,” COVID brain fog, or some combination thereof. The cover of Lisa Ampleman’s third full-length poetry collection, however, indicates we are…

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