Mom Egg Review publishes reviews of recent books (including chapbooks) of poetry, fiction and creative prose, by mother writers, and of books focused on motherhood or women’s experiences and issues. If you are interested in having your book reviewed, please visit Book Review Request for more info.
If you are interested in reviewing books for us, please check out our Guidelines, and then email us at [email protected].
Women Writing on Family: Tips on Writing, Teaching and Publishing, edited by Carol Smallwood and Suzann Holland; and Teachers Act Up!: Creating Multicultural Learning Communities Through Theatre, by Melisa Cahnmann-Taylor and Mariana Souto-Manning Review by Ivy Rutledge In Women Writing…
Editor’s Pick by Marjorie Tesser – Perfect for fans of Anais Nin and Marguerite Duras, Margo Berdeshevsky’s collection of short stories Beautiful Soon Enough (Fiction Collective 2; 2009; Winner of Fiction Collective Two’s American Book Review/Ronald Sukenick Innovative Fiction Prize)…
Review by Judith O’Brien – It’s hard to turn away from the poems in What Can Be Saved. The two speakers— Lovey, with what today we’d call “special needs” and her dedicated Momma—speak directly to the reader in authentic voices.…
Review by Nicelle Davis The Forest of Sure Things by Megan Snyder-Camp Tupelo Press 2010 $16.95, Winner of the Tupelo Press / Crazyhorse Award for an outstanding first book – As a new mother, I’m often surprised how many of my…