Browsing: Poetry

Bethany Jarmul A Moment, A Memory I’m sitting on a porch chair on our back deck, which is covered with autumn leaves. Near my feet, my daughter crawls amongst them—shuffle, crinkle, shuffle, crinkle. The wind whips my hair, swirls…

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Poetry Prompts by Anne Graue Anne Graue’s April Poem-a-Day Challenge Yes, it’s National Poetry Month again, and poets everywhere are thinking about writing a poem a day to celebrate while others are compiling lists of prompts to share with those…

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Angelique Zobitz A woman walks into the woods—seeking strength and she finds a metaphor in the woods a brown twig snaps, motes dance dead things give way to new now never—not—husk or shell she’ll stretch so far that she…

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Lesley Wheeler Permit for Demolition The front porch collapsed in a slow-clap of bricks. Next morning, a bulldozer coaxed the tin roof down. Hoses settled billows of particles—wood splinters, mold, plaster, clay baked a hundred and thirty years ago.…

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Sarah Sassoon Tunnels that Lie Under My House I am mother of boys mother of prayers for everyone to live in a house where mothers sleep at night I know of words that dig deep tunnels disturbing deep dreams…

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Amy Ralston Seife Aleppo, February 2023 blanketed by his bedroom walls    face down in rubble     the cup he newly learned to hold    filled with silent dust — his mother trapped in a distant corner when the world lurched and folded      …

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