Browsing: News & Events
MER Best of the Net Nominations Poetry June 14, 22 (Summer Girls) Terri Linton, “Boogie Down Girls” March 13, 22 (Release) Jessica Cuello, “Dear Mother (Silence was my pride)” N.F. Kimball “The Burial” December 14, 21 (Ukrainian Voices) Halyna…
RaShell R. Smith-Spears A Writer Speaks of Lineage My foremothers were magic. Their nimble fingers squeezed syntax into cauldrons of rhythm and rolled juju across pages that glared with our erasure; they poured images into white spaces defined by…
In response to the Supreme Court’s ruling, in dissent, and to help support women’s rights and health, Mom Egg Review will donate all profits from sale of MER’s The Body issue to Planned Parenthood, through 7/4/22. MER 10 “The Body”…
Short call for submissions: Summer/Girl MER – Mom Egg Review seeks short nonfiction, fiction, or prose poetry, 350 words max., on the theme of Summer/Girl for an online folio to be published in June. Pieces should focus on a woman’s…
MER Launch Readings are online now! View our gorgeous launch parties, with lightning-style readings of poetry and prose from our MER 20 “Mother Figures” issue! Hosted by Marjorie Tesser …
MER Editor Marjorie Tesser to be Interviewed for Becky Tuch’s Lit Mag News Roundup May 3rd at 11 AM Eastern Click here to read/listen to the interview.
Jane Muschenetz Lviv, Ukraine Long before Reuters and BBC reporters signed off from it, Lviv, Ukraine was my hometown, I knew it by another name—Lvov, Ukrainian Republic, USSR is, like anyone’s childhood, I suppose, a dot on the map…
MER Submissions Open Now MER (aka Mom Egg Review) is open for submissions of literary work on motherhood. We publish poetry, fiction, nonfiction, and art. You need not be a mother to submit. April 15 – April 22, free “Early…
Here’s where we’ll be at #AWP22: We’ll see you at the BOOK Table – T 562! Special AWP prices! Free writing prompts! MER submissions and join our staff info! MER Meet-up At the Book Table Fri. March 25th 11-12 P.M.…