Mothering Along – MER Online Poetry Folio Curated by Cindy Veach and Jennifer Martelli In her poem, “Memo to the Absent,” Wendy Scher presents the Sabbath table set for two: the mother and the daughter. She writes, “We miss…
Browsing: MER Literary Folio
Mother / WRITER – Artist Prose Brittany Ackerman, “Big Splashes, So Big” Jennifer Case, “Things People Tell Me When I Write About Motherhood” Maggie Cramer and Emily Cramer, “So(ma)tic Poetry Exercises, after CA Conrad” Derek Davidson, “Medium” Geula…
Curated by Jennifer Martelli and Cindy Veach In her poem, “Postlude,” J.L. Conrad writes, “I avoid horoscopes because / I do not want to know how it will all end.” The poems in this September folio—the month of the…
MER Mixed-Genre Literary Folio Guest Editor Sarah Dalton Being a mother or parent of a disabled child and/or a child with complex medical needs is one of the most rewarding experiences. It is also one of the most challenging.…
THE WAY WE WERE: Motherhood as a Catalyst for Change In her poem, “Learning Language,” Erin Armstrong writes, “Extinguished are the mornings where I rise / alone to my writing, my coffee, my sense of self. . .” The…
Ages/Stages: MER Online Folio of Poetry, Creative Prose, and Visual Art In this themed folio, “Ages/Stages,” we took a well-used trope of child development and broadened the category to include the ages and stages of the mother as well…
Praise poems and the poets who write them, plus two writing prompts A Folio Curated by JP Howard I love writing praise poems and teaching others how to write praise poems. Praise poems let us acknowledge all the complicated and…
Curated by Jennifer Martelli and Cindy Veach In her poem, “I will hunger,” Elinor Ann Walker states “All paths lead toward hunger,” and that The maw is the mother, her mouth, the oven, the hope that appetite leaves you,…
Parent (verb): to be or act as a parent. Words Ambriel Floyd Bostic James Callan Alisa Childress Hayes Davis Ashley Espinoza Jennifer Furner Mike Gray Francesca Leader Elizabeth O’Rourke Ellen June Wright Art Sally Brown Sofia Chapman Rachael Grad…
Literary Folio Curated by J.L. Scott The phrase “the joy of motherhood” has become somewhat trite, full of connotations held over from a time when nobody was willing to admit that not all of motherhood is, in fact, joyful.…