MER vol. 20 “Mother Figures”
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Our twentieth annual print issue is themed “Mother Figures,” cultural icons representing motherhood. What is a mother figure? What have we been told or shown by them? What values do they reflect? What cultural learning do they assume? How does a mother figure deviate from one’s own experiences?
Our contributors, established writers and emerging debut authors, responded with work that is resonant, original, and thoughtful, and which considers a dizzying range of mother figures: some worthy of emulation and some, cautionary tales, some selected and some foisted upon us. Here are mothers from the classics, mythology, and fairy tales. Animal, vegetable (a potato!), and mineral mothers. A surprising number of insect mothers. Mother figures from religions (many Marys), and from several cultures, including pop culture. Historical mothers. Tragic and triumphant mothers. Murderers, martyrs, and midwives. Intellectual, artist and writer mothers. We have fairy godmothers, witches, saints and the all-too-human. Planets can be mothers, as can moons.
The diversity of mother figures can be said to reflect a multiplicity of actual motherhoods. The literary and art work in this issue illuminate figures of motherhood, in concept and in practice.
Cynthia Atkins
Laura Geringer Bass
Francesca Bell
Pam Bernard
Rosaleen Bertolino
Karen Boissonneault-Gauthier
Cheryl Boyce-Taylor
Lawrence Bridges
Cathleen Calbert
Patricia Callan
Tina Carlson
Marina Carreira
Patricia Caspers
Joanne Clarkson
Shutta Crum
Julie Cyr
Iris Jamahl Dunkle
Jo Angela Edwins
Marla Faith
Chelsea Fanning
Beatriz F. Fernandez
Katherine Gaffney
Michelle Gallagher
Kate Gehan
Joyce Goldenstern
Lara Henneman
Rebekah Hewitt
Ashley Mae Hoiland
Carolina Hospital
Romana Iorga
Jen Karetnick
Sarah Key
Merie Kirby
Elizabeth Lara
B. Tyler Lee
Julia Lisella
Tamara J. Madison
Shikha Malaviya
Katie Manning
Libby Maxey
Colleen Michaels
MaryAnn L. Miller
Matthew Murrey
Melissa Ostrom
K. W. Oxnard
Theta Pavis
Toni Pepe
Virginia Petrucci
Susan Rich
Susanna Rich
Deedle Rodriguez-Tomlinson
Anne Shea
Zoe Smith-Holladay
RaShell Smith-Spears
Kaitlin Solimine
Natalie Solmer
Judith Sornberger
Margo Taft Stever
Richard Stimac
Alison Stone
Melissa Studdard
Elizabeth Sylvia
L.J. Sysko
Kailey Tedesco
Abby Templeton Greene
Dawn Terpstra
Kelly Thompson
Meredith Trede
Susan Underwood
Beth Walker
Kristy Webster-Gonzalez
Kim Welliver
Rochelle Williams
Jennifer Yanez-Alaniz
Meg Yardley
Jane Zwart