MER VOX Quarterly – Winter 2017
a folio curated by Jennifer Martelli and Cindy Veach
“Everyday, we are witnessing women speaking out, giving their trauma words. Ten years ago, Tarana Burke urged us to “tell your story, if you’re compelled to tell it.” The #MeToo movement was born out of her need to create a place of empathy for women who have been victims of sexual violence…”
Featured Poets
Jennifer Franklin
Jessica Goodfellow
Idrissa Simmonds
Lesléa Newman
Rebecca Hart Olander
Zeina Hashem Beck
Eileen Cleary
Poetry and Prose
A Mother’s Love: Essays and Poems Exploring Grief and Loss,
a folio curated by J.P. Howard
“…So many of us have had to deal with the heartbreaking loss of a child, parent, spouse or significant other, either recently or years ago. As writers, it is nearly impossible for us to experience these losses without it also affecting our writing process. I have invited six amazing women writers to reflect on their own experiences with grief and loss for this special folio….”
Regina Jamison
Breena Clarke
Cheryl Boyce-Taylor
Sonia Jaffe Robbins
Amber Flame
Lynne Connor

Susan Copich – Frustrations, Contradictions and Storm: The Domestic Bliss series
curated by Ana C.H. Silva
“With shocking bravery, nuanced humor, and a plentitude of crafted detail, Susan Copich’s Domestic Bliss self-portraits tackle the breadth and depth of Woman, and “all who are in touch with their feminine” as Copich puts it. Each portrait drips with liquid color and engages at both the narrative and lyrical registers…