Mom Egg Review 16


In its 16th annual issue Mom Egg Review presents important literary writing about the work of motherhood, and how mothers play.



This issue of Mom Egg Review explores the worlds of PLAY and WORK through the lens of motherhood.  Celebrated and emerging literary writers examine the work of mothering, of creating art, office work, housework, political work, physical labor. Life’s work. Work that’s respected and work that’s denigrated. Jobs that lift you up and jobs that suck your soul. Our mothers’ and fathers’ work. The work of nurture. Work for pay, work for love, work for duty. Working on ourselves and working on our kids or on relationships. Working out. Working it out. And of course, we’re interested in the interplay between work and play. And also–How do mothers play: with children, with partners, with friends, on their own? How do children play at various stages? Is it irresponsible to play in a damaged world—or necessity? What types of play nourish you, and which are playing with fire? Is play as enjoyable as it’s cracked up to be? Is your work your play? The works in this issue will challenge and delight!

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