Mary Buchinger [selections from The Transformation of Material Things] a baby cries & I turn to see what’s the matter a woman robed in blue climbs steep cellar stairs emerges beside me into grey morning air the wailing baby cradled…
Browsing: Poetry
Allison Blevins The Name in the Doorway My daughter waits in the doorway. She mouths Mom silently. My name floats from her mouth, hovers wordless above my body in bed. A blue and humming three-winged bird, my name waits…
Tina Kelley Like You Are, for Me Pa, your binoculars make me bionic. They transport me to three feet away from the warblers invading the oak. I can see one’s breast expand as it starts to sing, its beak…
Adina Kopinsky Adina Kopinsky is an emerging poet living in Israel with her husband and three sons. She has work published or forthcoming in Rust + Moth, SWWIM Every Day, and Glass: A Journal of Poetry,…
Dayna Patterson Aunt Norma Aunt Norma is the tiniest silver spoon dipping into my little brother’s ear to fish out a golden bead. Aunt Norma is a crockpot of warm wax and strings for dipping candles. Aunt Norma is…
Deborah Bacharach The Polyamorous Understand You Don’t Understand I wanted a husband. The pumpkin settles in by the dark door. She did not. I wanted a child, sideways teeth gone devil may care. She did not want one of her…
Jennifer Givhan Jer Bear & the Magical Thinking that Keeps Me safe. Meow meow I’m a cow croons the child beanstalked each night til he’s taller than me & the two plus two equals blue two lines that never…
Jacqueline Herranz Brooks Vedado, Ciudad de La Habana. Cuba. Junio, 2018 Poesía Repatriada (poema #1: silla) Y en la realidad de aquí, en la realidad de ahora, en la realidad desde donde escribo, ha empezado a amanecer. Y…
Margarita Drago Visión Pero a ti quiero mirarte hasta que tu rostro se aleje de mi miedo como un pájaro del borde filoso de la noche. Alejandra Pizarnik Hoy, Northern Boulevard se me figura la avenida Córdoba. Lo transito…
Yesenia Montilla Inherited My mother’s madness is a reaper in the room of us A cartel queen dripping in diamonds A five-foot boar loose in a village A life size doll with wooden teeth A hurricane always about to…