Browsing: Poetry

KC Trommer Up So often I think of everything I cannot tell you, everything that will not translate across time. If there is a camera, let it catch us, so you may see something of this story that…

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B. Fulton Jennes Wake Up on Wednesday, Sober sip seltzer water at a party, sober let the dog sniff every tree trunk, sober park between two lines without closing one eye, sober wave to neighbors at their mailboxes, sober…

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Elizabeth Lara Kitchen Gadgets Praise the kitchen where the gadgets wait in mute competition, where I stand looking out the window over white peace lily blooms and snake plant spikes, where out of the corner of my eye I…

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Peggy Robles-Alvarado Ode To The Necessary Distance Between Us: A Contrapuntal DISCLAIMER PERFORMED AS INTERNAL MONOLOGUE BEFORE SHARING POEMS ABOUT MY MOTHER: An experiment in giving myself permission disclaimer.this is a came to declamar.declaim.make claims…

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Sunu P. Chandy Learning to Hold the Candle Solo parenting a nine-year-old during a Buddhist evening peace ceremony, we are asked to walk from the meeting hall to the pond a block away and place our boats with candles…

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Wendy Grossman Praise For My Mother praise my mother and her big-boned beauty praise the breath she takes from me every time an old photo resurfaces praise those photos, sparse the same ones over and over praise especially the…

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