Browsing: Poetry

Golda Solomon my mother figure is jazz anna zack gave me life    independence firecrackers announce my arrival    round midnight feedings from infant to woman   the blues hummed loud ‘til teats of notes  chord changes/ jazz woke by a legend…

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Lisa C. Taylor Heirlooms for Annie She darkened windows to halt vertigo, brewed broth from chicken necks for migraines, buried sickness on a plate twenty-two steps from the back door. I imagined her hairnet spun from spider webs. Dust motes…

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Colette Tennant Tidepools Studying the insistent moon, tidepools are sturdy mothers. They hold parabolas of changing water, cover gray sculpins in the folds of their shadowed skirts, lift stars the color of sunsets toward the only light they will ever…

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Gabby Gilliam   Protogenoi The leaking nipple of a faceless mother speckled like Cerillos turquoise undulates through a polished universe all ass and hip and dripping milk, she turns her back on the expanse of space watches Prometheus’ gift raze…

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