Nancy Huggett Intercession: ER Waiting Room For all the mothers, fathers, families wombed and unwombed waiting. For reflections scattered in the glass. For every breath of body holding shaking hand or child on lap. For every thought pinned to…
Browsing: MER Online
Ree Pashley Our weapon is a Needle A guide to giving emergency injections The moment might erupt without fissures or symptomatic tremors: she is normal, he is happy, and then—crisis. Often, a potentially life-threatening crisis. One requiring an emergency…
Christine Stewart-Nuñez Advice to a Former Self Always do something: throw a load of laundry in before the hamper overflows; cut up vegetables for lunch; pay the rent; return an email; compose a don’t forget to do this list;…
Adrie Rose Adrie Rose lives beside an orchard in western MA and is the editor of Nine Syllables Press at Smith College. Her chapbook Rupture was published in 2024 by Gold…
Krista Lee Hanson Snuggling My Son to Sleep Haibun Dearest child, contours of your long face softened in the night’s shadows, thin wisps of first facial hair disappearing in the dark. No room for me on the other side…
Megan Merchant To have a child born in a natural disaster— the rush overwhelmed cactus roots and cracked bed, swept a red truck down the road. A child that burdened from my body of blood and water, one who…
Dayna Patterson Meeting with the Prosthetics Unit They are careful to use the words residual limb and sound limb never stump or good leg always prosthetic and never fake we heft the fake leg made of metal and molded…
Suzanne Edison Mother’s Day at Lake Washington I’ve requested a family bike ride on the closed and rippled lake-road where herons suspend over faltering-fish waters. Once vigorous contortionists, the Madrone trees are drooping as they stave off car exhaust…
Kara Melissa Cerebral Palsy Took All the Words from My Son “If you listen you can hear me. My mouth is open, and I am singing.” -“Fathers and Sons” from Mortal Remains by Patrick Lane I imagine my son.…
Shasta Kearns Moore What I know and what I don’t You’re looking at me like I don’t know. And you’re right, hospital staffer: I don’t. I don’t know what all your acronyms mean. I don’t know the difference between…