Peggy Robles-Alvarado Ode To The Necessary Distance Between Us: A Contrapuntal DISCLAIMER PERFORMED AS INTERNAL MONOLOGUE BEFORE SHARING POEMS ABOUT MY MOTHER: An experiment in giving myself permission disclaimer.this is a came to declamar.declaim.make claims…
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r. erica doyle wander r. erica doyle is the author of proxy (Belladonna* Books). Her prose and poetry have…
Sunu P. Chandy Learning to Hold the Candle Solo parenting a nine-year-old during a Buddhist evening peace ceremony, we are asked to walk from the meeting hall to the pond a block away and place our boats with candles…
Wendy Grossman Praise For My Mother praise my mother and her big-boned beauty praise the breath she takes from me every time an old photo resurfaces praise those photos, sparse the same ones over and over praise especially the…
Dorsía Smith Silva Requiem my son asks for a baby brother for Christmas / so easily / like going to the drive-through / to get some ubiquitous made-to-order meal / Big Mac with extra cheese / onions and…
Erica Bodwell Child, Mother This child, who started as autumn leaves blown against the house, paper crane with a secret code folded inside, dream from which I believed I’d awaken, untroubled, to the old landscape—as easily as setting out…
Barbara Henning Selections from Girlfriend Girlfriend is a collection of poetic prose short-shorts about my relationships with girl and women friends from childhood through my present elder years. When I showed my esteemed yoga teacher Genny Kapuler what…
MER Featured Fiction Death of the Water Bug by Lore Segal Lucinella wrote to Bridget: ‘We never outlive a shy, uncomfortable shame before asking a friend, especially another writer, to give us the time and attention to read…
Tamara J. Madison Till Poem for Mamie Till We have buried you so many times, sifted through files and notes, slipped our fingers through cracks and crevices to find some semblance of sense,…
Curated by Jennifer Martelli and Cindy Veach In her poem, “I will hunger,” Elinor Ann Walker states “All paths lead toward hunger,” and that The maw is the mother, her mouth, the oven, the hope that appetite leaves you,…