Eloísa Pérez-Lozano A Mother’s Milk Eloísa Pérez-Lozano is a photographer and artist whose photographs have been published in “The National Catholic Reporter,” “aaduna,” and “Montana Mouthful,” among others. Originally a poet, she was inspired to try visual…
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Nicole Piasecki Back To Center My six-year old son, J asks me if we can make pancakes before school. He’s overslept, and we don’t have time for pouring, cracking, whisking, grilling, and eating. It is a cereal-or- yogurt morning.…
Candace Chambliss It Hurts When you spend the weekend at your dad’s house, playing cards, eating McDonalds, and horseback riding and you return to your mother and happily announce that you want to live with daddy and she scoops…
Carolyn Schlam The Loveseat Carolyn Schlam is an award winning painter, sculptor and published author. Her books include THE CREATIVE PATH, THE ZEN OF ART and THE JOY OF ART series of books. Her artwork is primarily…
Ibu Robin Lim When Bear was Born Grizzly bears give birth in Winter hibernation. My daughter’s saltwater woke her. Later I thought I saw invisible salamanders coiled around her feet. Back home, in Indonesia, our volcano erupted. I tipped the…
Crystal Karlberg In The New Year My children scatter likes stones and all of last year’s accumulated knowledge is already useless. Extant is a passive way of saying we exist. Once I lost my car in the airport parking lot.…
Praise poems and the poets who write them, plus two writing prompts A Folio Curated by JP Howard I love writing praise poems and teaching others how to write praise poems. Praise poems let us acknowledge all the complicated and…
KC Trommer Up So often I think of everything I cannot tell you, everything that will not translate across time. If there is a camera, let it catch us, so you may see something of this story that…
B. Fulton Jennes Wake Up on Wednesday, Sober sip seltzer water at a party, sober let the dog sniff every tree trunk, sober park between two lines without closing one eye, sober wave to neighbors at their mailboxes, sober…
Elizabeth Lara Kitchen Gadgets Praise the kitchen where the gadgets wait in mute competition, where I stand looking out the window over white peace lily blooms and snake plant spikes, where out of the corner of my eye I…