Mom Egg Review publishes reviews of recent books (including chapbooks) of poetry, fiction and creative prose, by mother writers, and of books focused on motherhood or women’s experiences and issues. If you are interested in having your book reviewed, please visit Book Review Request for more info.
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Review by Mara I. Amster – It has long been my pleasure to introduce upper-level students to my colleague Bunny Goodjohn’s first novel, Sticklebacks and Snow Globes (The Permanent Press, 2007). The novel brings readers into the 1970s world of…
Review by Carole Mertz – Williams’ poems move from death to life and from life to death as she traverses themes of miscarriage, fertility in woman and in earth, scenes of grief, but scant joy. A tone of quiet regret…
Review by B.A. Goodjohn …Would you ever / like to glide through passageways / and aisles of night / tossing the hours behind you like confetti / or blossoms, / while below you / the sea sprawls—a voluminous train rippling…
Reviewed by Sarah W. Bartlett – As a native New Englander very tied to her roots, I deeply appreciate the voice of this collection of poems. Not only do they paint a vivid picture of Big Sky country, where I…
Reviewed by Tessara Dudley – Wendy Wisner is a writer and a lactation consultant, but the driving force behind her poetry is her motherhood. Her poems offer snapshots of bearing and birthing, being sister or mother or daughter. Generations of…
Review by Sarah W. Bartlett – The author writes, ‘I’ve been writing different versions of this book my whole life.’ What woman doesn’t write and rewrite her mother-daughter story, if only in her head? What daughter doesn’t at some point…
Reviewed by Lorraine Currelley – Mosaic is a wonderfully written collection of poems, where our senses bear witness. Poems are poetically weaved to passion, experience and craft. Margie Shaheed sculpts life. Her poems are full and rich with colorful imagery…
Review by Zara Raab – This Side of Paradise “Best party in years!” quips the guest, as she departs, having spent the evening in her hosts’ luxurious guest bathroom reading The Cantos, stowed in her purse for just such occasions.…
Review by Lorraine Currelley – I became a passenger on a journey of exploding colors, passion and emotions. Stopping to digest and to breathe in familiar experiences and images. Margie Shaheed’s poems and stories pull at you, demanding your…
Review by B.A. Goodjohn I aspire to my own androgyny, / like these three women / sitting in the café near me, at ease / in suspenders, crew cuts, tattoos, / which can’t disguise / the cat-like softness of their…