The Mom Egg Uptown Tuesday, July 5th 6:30-8:30 Featuring Kelli Stevens Kane Donna Katzin Monica A. Hand Elsa Mandelbaum Theta Pavis Lynne Shapiro of The Mom Egg and members of Above the Bridge Writers Café Reading at Word Up a community bookshop in Northern Manhattan 4157 Broadway @ 175 Street Please join us!
Author: Mom Egg Review
For a better part of our children’s lives we are defined by them, or maybe, become defined by them. Then there comes that pivotal moment when we have done our job, hopefully with much success, and they go out into the world we’ve prepared them for. And with what seems to feel like a soul seeking slap of consciousness on our rosy, worn cheek, we are no longer defined by our children, which then begs the question, who am I? I think of the Dr. Seuss book, “Are you my mother?” while gazing in the mirror at the reflection staring…
My three year-old can wink. She has been able to do it for months now. Popeye gave her the idea, but her timing is all her own. I hear something shatter in the bathroom and round the corner in time to watch the last of my limited edition Channel polish run thick and black like blood across white tiles. She winks at me and I’m rendered speechless. I am the law but she makes me a partner in her crimes and, secretly, I’m grateful for the invitation. Upon the birth of her son, Laura Nyro, wrote “I don’t want to…
One night, I was reminiscing, which I tend to do a lot of on nights I can’t get to sleep. My thoughts transported me back to when I was a little girl of around seven. I had been visiting my grandmother and an older cousin of mine stopped by before going to the post office. This was one of my favorite cousins. He was over six feet tall, a semi-pro basketball player, and I begged my grandmother to let me go with him. He lifted me on his broad shoulders, and gave me a piggy back ride there. As we jaunted to the post office, my…
Dreams Against Absence I. First Night without my Son I gather the scent of my husband like a bed-sheet made of mice. Awake, the smell of our family scurries out from cracks in the walls. I cry this warmth made of little heart beats—same as I cried for the empty womb once our child was born. II. Second Night without my Son My dreams are a mouse giving birth to a dozen pups. Blind and hairless, the rodents move slowly towards the scent of moonlight. Their bodies are open targets for crows, until the skull of the slaughtered pig opens…
Kylemore Abbey, home of the Benedictine Order of Nuns is situated on the picturesque west coast of Ireland. The nuns who reside here take a vow of silence and live quiet, peaceful lives in an enormous castle. The pristine acres of land surrounding the monastery include a solemn, gothic church the size of a miniature cathedral, a clear, tranquil lake that photographs the castle in its reflection, and a beautiful, walled Victorian garden with maze-like walkways lined with butterfly-filled flowers. Except for the necessary hushed chanting and contemplative daily prayer, these women dedicate themselves to a lifetime of silence to…
The Mom Egg 2011 Vol. 9 Launch Party and Reading Sunday, May 15th 6-8 PM Cornelia Street Cafe 29 Cornelia St New York, NY 10014 (212) 989-9319 Sunday, May 15, 2011 Featuring Puma Perl, Kelly Bargabos, Margo Berdeshevsky, Cheryl Boyce-Taylor, Rosalie Calabrese, Patricia Carragon, Sarah Cavallaro, Alana Ruben Free, Eve Brandstein, Wendy Levine DeVito, Eleanor Gaffney, Janlori Goldman, Heather Haldeman, Lois Marie Harrod, Donna Katzin, Cheryl Keeler, Rachael Nevins, Rosaly Roffman, Lee Schwartz, Golda Solomon, Lydia Suarez, Nancy Vona, LB Williams, Don Yorty. MC Marjorie Tesser Video here:
A Conversation with Hettie Jones for The Mom Egg, May 2011 Interview by Marjorie Tesser Part 1 – In this segment, Jones discusses independence and community, growing up in the 1950’s, the beat years, feminism and more. Segment 1 of 4 A Conversation With Hettie Jones, Part 1 from Marjorie Tesser on Vimeo. A Conversation with Hettie Jones Part 2 In this segment, Hettie speaks about raising daughters, work, writing, revision and more. Hettie Jones Part 2 from Marjorie Tesser on Vimeo. A Conversation with Hettie Jones, Part 3 In this segment of her interview for The Mom Egg, Hettie…
In between fertility treatments, every time my husband Jose and I have half-decent sex when I know I must be ovulating, this stubborn little part of me still thinks we might have conceived naturally, that maybe the stars have aligned and overcome every obstacle. I try not to think too much about it in the two weeks that follow our “date night.” I let myself drink a little coffee, have a beer here and there. I don’t get my knickers in a twist worrying about it. And then the big day gets closer and closer—the day when Aunt Flo is…
Review by Judith O’Brien – It’s hard to turn away from the poems in What Can Be Saved. The two speakers— Lovey, with what today we’d call “special needs” and her dedicated Momma—speak directly to the reader in authentic voices. Each poem is titled simply with the speaker’s name. Perhaps Taylor’s greatest skill lies in her ability to step aside and let Momma and Lovey tell the reader what it’s like to be a single, worried parent, what it’s like to be “crazy”. Although they represent thousands of people in similar situations, each family’s story is unique, so Taylor takes…