Author: Mom Egg Review

Anne Waldman Interview from Marjorie Tesser on Vimeo. A Conversation with Anne Waldman on gender and writing;  her epic Iovis project; collaborations with other artists;  Manatee/Humanity and more. With Marjorie Tesser Bowery Poetry Club Nov. 2008 Anne Waldman  – poet, professor, performer, and cultural activist is the author of over 40 books and small press editions of poetry and poetics, including most recently Manatee/Humanity and the anthology Beats at Naropa, co-edited with Laura Wright. Other titles includeFast Speaking Woman, IOVIS (I&II), Vow to Poetry: Essays, Interviews and Manifestos, Marriage: A Sentence, In the Room of Never Grieve, Structure of the…

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The Mom Egg Vol.6 2008 Selections Kate Falvey The Apogee of Consolation The moon is a bent stick behind the hunched back of a crone cloud. I don’t want to pray anymore for fertility. The crone hobbles into midnight and awareness flourishes in the great round rejoicing of my eagerness to see. I want her to be a friend of mine. I want her to build my belly into light. If she doesn’t give me what I want I’ll tear her from the sky and butcher her airiness whole. It is no good pretending daintiness…

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The Mom Egg Vol. 5 2007 Selections Radhiyah Ayobami 20 When I was 20 Me and my best friend Ama worked at Popeye’s And after our shift was over We’d change our striped shirts, wash our faces And walk out into the life of the city We’d stop and watch the mimes break-dancing to Michael Jackson On old tape recorders And never leave a quarter in the top hat We’d walk by Toys R’Us And watch the white people buy bags of toys for their kids At a quarter to midnight We’d walk down Times…

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INCONVERSATION Mamapalooza: Marjorie Tesser with Cassandra Neyenesch Mamapalooza Marjorie Tesser with Cassandra Neyenesch Last year I participated in a festival called Mamapalooza, and this year one of my stories was published in its journal, The Mom Egg. Both times, I felt a little guilty, like I was pulling the old “I pushed a person out of my body” card just to get a gig. Still, it was a lot of fun to see Mommies I knew being raunchy, lyrical, and musical, among other things. I talked to Marjorie Tesser, co-editor of The Mom Egg and poet in her own right,…

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