Mother / WRITER – Artist
Brittany Ackerman, “Big Splashes, So Big”
Jennifer Case, “Things People Tell Me When I Write About Motherhood”
Maggie Cramer and Emily Cramer, “So(ma)tic Poetry Exercises, after CA Conrad”
Derek Davidson, “Medium”
Geula Geurts, “Moon Child”
Tamara J. Madison, “Awkward Agency/Salient Survival”
Melissa Mowry, “Cinderella & I”
Leah Richards, “Ghost, Mother”
Amy Gallo Ryan, “Water’s Edge”
Sharon Dolin, “Two Questions”
Mary Fontana, “Meditation Culminating in a Line From My Son’s Comic Book”
Jennifer Garfield, “ghazal for the meadow of my heart”
Maria Mazziotti Gillan, “When I Was Still Young”
Amy Lee Heinlen, “In a Poem Just LIke This One”
Batnadiv HaKarmi, “Colic”
Vicki Iorio, “The S-Trap”
Katie Kalisz, “First Book”
Tina Kelley, ”I Used to Write Love Poems’
Cathy Cultice Lentes, “Red Pens”
Allison Mei-Li, “I Don’t Want to Write a Poem”
Callie Plaxco, “Aphasia”
Angela Sucich, “Fourth Trimester iPhone Poet”