Sharon Dolin
I Am Losing My Mirrors
I am losing my mirrors,
I thought, as one more
silver spangle, size of my
pinky tip, drops
from the gauzy blouse’s hem.
I am losing my mirrors,
those who loved me from
birth, now two remain,
sister and aunt. Oh let
me hold on to my mirrors
let me glue my mother’s
bright blue eyes, my father’s
laughter, to a place where
they never fall off.
Sharon Dolin is the author of seven books of poetry, most recently Imperfect Present (University of Pittsburgh Press, 2022). Her book of translations from Catalan, Late to the House of Words: Selected Poems by Gemma Gorga was awarded the Malinda A. Markham Translation Prize from Saturnalia Books and was shortlisted for the 2022 Griffin Poetry Prize. Dolin is Associate Editor at Barrow Street Press and teaches in New York City.