Kashiana Singh
How to destroy a sunny side up, like an 8-month-old
practice what you preach, walk the talk, show vs tell
he learned to devour the yolk before he learned to
bite into a toast, wonder where he got that from?
he likes eggs. period. boiled are good with a steal
of salt, crushed pepper, sprinkle of cumin powder
but the sunny side up tender perfection of a
golden center, sunshine himself, dribble spit
streaked with oblique white, deepest yellow
dotted with toast crumbs, or pepper crushed
onto a lissome pattern of celebratory ochre
a smile reaching his hands, index finger put
inside the blob, finger plopped into mouth
ghost story
drunk in the yolk
of sunlight
Kashiana Singh(http://www.kashianasingh.com/) calls herself a work practitioner and embodies the essence of her TEDx talk – Work as Worship into her everyday. She has served as a Managing Editor for Poets Reading the News. Kashiana’s full-length collection, Woman by the Door released in 2022 with Apprentice House Press. She lives in North Carolina and carries her various geopolitical homes within her poetry.