Paintings Making Art, Not Babies. (2017) oil on canvas Painting Outgrowth (2017) oil on canvas Tiger Mum (2017) charcoal on…
Month: March 2018
Eggs (And God Remember Sarah, Genesis 21:1) (2013) video animation. Sarah LIghtman Art, Artist Statement and Bio
Review by Kerry Neville An autobiography purports to be chronological account of a person’s life, a progressive recounting of…
Jill McDonough CAREFUL Josey kisses me Christmas morning in the kitchen and it’s so good we end up having sex…
Kirun Kapur SPRING Then, through the window, I could just make out a cormorant immobile on a buoy, head high,…
Tina Kelley I AM THE SEXY MUSEUM No more slow walking the sandstone edifice with marble floors that exhaust…
The ProCreate Project, the Museum of Motherhood and the Mom Egg Review are pleased to announce the 28th edition of this scholarly…