For Writers and Publishers Requesting Reviews of Books
Thank you for your interest in having us review a new book.
Mom Egg Review considers for review full-length books and chapbooks published in the previous year, of poetry, fiction, and creative non-fiction, that are written by mothers, have motherhood as a subject matter, or are related to women’s experiences or issues. Very occasionally, we include reviews of books and chapbooks that are more than twelve months old. We publish full book reviews and also a “new and notable books-in-brief” list, MER Bookshelf.
If you feel your book meets our criteria, please fill out our form here:
- a PDF of the entire book
- a JPG or PNG of the cover (and of the author if desired)
If you encounter difficulties uploading the documents to the form, you can attach them and email them to [email protected].
If we assign a reviewer for your book, we’ll request that you send a hard copy directly to that person. Please understand that we work with a small volunteer staff and sometimes can’t pair worthy books with a reviewer.
Congratulations and all best wishes for the book.
Marjorie Tesser